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Sclerotinia Risk Forecast Program for North Dakota

Click on the following link to access the NDSU Interactive Sclerotinia Website: 

The Sclerotinia Risk in Canola Forecast Program is a service of the Northern Canola Growers Association and NDSU. The Sclerotinia Disease Forecasting System is a regional guide to sclerotinia of canola disease risk. It is meant to be a management tool that canola producers can use in making a decision on the necessity of applying a fungicide to their canola crop for control of sclerotinia stem rot. It is not meant to be a field-specific recommendation for the application of fungicides for the control of sclerotinia.

Other factors such as local weather conditions, seeding date, previous cropping history, and yield potential should be considered as well as the risk maps in making the final decision.

The forecast maps show regions of North Dakota and Minnesota where environmental conditions are favorable for the germination of sclerotinia sclerotia, development of apothecia and release of spores. The degree of risk is shown as low, moderate and high coded green, yellow and red. By its use, you agree to release the Northern Canola Growers Association and its employees and project collaborators from any and all claims, demands, actions or liability for material used or relied upon by you through this service. All results, statements, technical information or recommendations herein are believed to be reliable, but their accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. The project collaborator and developer is Dr. Luis del Rio, Plant Pathologist, North Dakota State University. Sponsors are the Northern Canola Growers Association and the National Sclerotinia Initiative. Weather data and technical assistance: North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network NDAWN.

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