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USDA Crop Acreage Report

Posted: Jul 01 2021

The USDA issued its June 30 Crop Acreage Report and it indicated planted area of canola of 2.00 million acres in 2021, up 10 percent from last year’s planted area, representing the third highest planted area on record for the Nation. Area for harvest is forecast at 1.96 million acres, an increase of 9 percent from 2020.
Planted area in North Dakota, the leading canola-producing State, is up 11 percent from last year and represents the second highest planted area on record for North Dakota. If realized, area for harvest in North Dakota, at 1.65 million acres, will be a record high. Compared with last year, the only state showing a decline in planted area is Montana, down 5,000 acres from 2020. Planted area in Washington is a record high and the area forecast for harvest in the state will be a record high, if realized.

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