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Diamondback Moth Larvae Feeding on Canola Pods

Posted: Aug 18 2023

Fields with some pod feeding (see photographs on next page) from mature larvae have been observed near Devils Lake and northeastern areas of North Dakota and northwest Minnesota. This is the second generation of diamondback moths. Scout for mature larvae (lime green about ½ inch long), which feed on flowers and young pods of late planted canola. This is when the canola crop is most susceptible to injury – blooming to early pod development. Larval feeding during blooming to early pod development can cause delayed plant maturity, uneven crop development and significant yield reduction due to loss of flowers and pods. The next (third) generation usually occurs too late in the season to cause plant injury, except in extremely late-planted canola fields. Insecticides registered for diamondback moth control include: 1st choice - diamides (Prevathon, Vantacor, Coragen, Exirel); 2nd choice premix (Besiege), and 3rd choice pyrethroids (bifenthrin - Brigade 2EC and generics, Delta Gold, Warrior II and generics and Mustang Maxx).

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