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Canola Production A New Record

Posted: Oct 11 2024

The first USDA production forecast for canola for 2024 is a record high 4.93 billion pounds, up 14 percent from 2023. Production in North Dakota will be the highest on record. Production in Washington will be the second highest on record. Area planted for the Nation, at a record high 2.76 million acres, is up 4 percent from the June estimate and up 14 percent from last year’s area.
Canola growers expect to harvest a record high 2.72 million acres, up 4 percent from June and up 13 percent from 2023. Acreage updates were made in several States based on a thorough review of all available data. The October yield forecast, at 1,811 pounds per acre, is 18 pounds above last year’s revised yield in comparable States and will be the fifth highest yield on record.
The average yield forecast in Kansas and Oklahoma is up 600 pounds per acre and 1,000 pounds per acre from last year’s average yield in those States, respectively. Meanwhile, the average yield forecast in Montana is down 520 pounds per acre from 2023. Record high yields are forecast in Minnesota and Oklahoma.
The yield in North Dakota, the largest canola-producing State, is forecast at 1,880 pounds per acre, up 70 pounds from last year’s yield. Planted area in North Dakota is estimated at a record high of 2.15 million acres, up 11 percent from last year.

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